
The goal of the Counseling program at McCarthy-Towne is to ensure a successful school experience for students, one in which each child develops a positive self-image, the skills to interact productively, and the maturity to make wise decisions. In order to reach that goal, McCarthy-Towne's counselor provides individual and group counseling, consultation with teachers, parents, administrators, and students. Throughout the year, the school counselor leads classroom workshops on specific issues as they arise and developmentally appropriate units to foster self-esteem, problem-solving, and building friendships. There are specific whole-class programs for six weeks in both third and fourth-grade classes and weekly in the kindergarten classrooms.

The counseling program at McCarthy-Towne is ever changing to meet the needs of the students, staff, parents and the community as a whole. It has evolved into a mixture of in-class programs plus traditional consultation and direct service to students in small counseling groups. It also provides a place for students to talk if specific issues arise that prevents them from participating fully in the classroom. Each approach is important and serves the McCarthy-Towne community in a different way.
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