Art is integral to the classroom at McCarthy-Towne. Often integrated with other curriculum, it can best be understood more as a way of working - an individual process of learning that we hope to see not only in the art product, but in all student work across the curriculum.
We believe that learning needs to be grounded in an experiential process, and that the more traditional focus on the product or outcome deprives students of an awareness of how that learning can apply to their lives. Art-making is an example of experiential learning. It is based more on not knowing for sure what the outcome will be rather than what is prescribed.
Our commitment to the artistic process encourages independent and self-motivated learning wherein students explore, take risks, fail, discover, honor differences, and develop skills for lifelong learning.
Children learn to express themselves freely and confidently with art materials at McCarthy-Towne because they are given the time to work through the process until satisfied. Instead of being scheduled as a separate subject once or twice a week, art, both as process and product, can be seen in what goes on every day. In art, cognitive and expressive skills work hand in hand as part of the McCarthy-Towne's educational philosophy.